Friday, 27 May 2016

Restaurant Fun

 Ms. Martindale shared a Mo Willems book.
Have you read The Pigeon and the Hot Dog?
 "We are making a reservation page for the restaurant," said Dane, Emily and Emily.
 What happens to margarine if we sit it on top of the Popcorn maker?
"I think it will melt from the heat," said Harry.
 "The popcorn sounds like fireworks," said Logan.
 Yes. Harry was right. It went from being solid to being a liquid.
The heat changed the margarine.
Did the popcorn taste different or the same, with liquid margarine on it?
 Using our modelling techniques. I feel like pizza today....
 How could we make coloured popcorn?
Put in some drops of food colouring.
 Mix it in. Red popcorn.
Did it change the taste?
 This is the hot dog truck.
Some of us buy hot dogs from the stand outside Mitre 10.
 The liquid margarine soaked into the paper.
It made it see through.
 Our Super Star worked hard on his popcorn template.
Great cutting skills. Nearly ready for some delicious popcorn.
We all love M.O.O.T.

1 comment:

  1. It looks so fun and cool
    by Matilda
